Monday, 30 June 2008

The post-date blues

Ok.. so I have a story.. its scandalous.. emotional... annoying.. and frustrating all at one go.
For the purpose of this story.. i shall refer to this person as Mr. X ( I'd use BIG but i don't think he fits into a BIG category.. and im not sure if Im Carrie enough)

So Mr. X and I met.. usual boy meets girl thingy. He is great bla bla bla. Our rship was more cyber than anything else (considering that Im right down south and Mr. X lives somewhere on the equator).

Indeed the time came and we finally broke the mystery behind those chat boxes. It was a pleasant surprise. No disappointments etc. Im a woman who has been on a substantial amount of dates to rank this one as one of the best.. problem is...WAS THIS A DATE ???

That has been bugging me like maddddd since i came back from it. I have not dated "this breed" of ppl in a while to make a call as to whether im progressing in the right track or not. Men down south are more open.. clear cut and you sure hell know ur on a date by the end of it ( the good night kiss .. if you weren't already guessing).

The post date is indeed the horrifying part. It's like waiting for a verdict from the jury. You're either sentenced to REJECTION.. or proceed to the next level. And boy.. i hate this feeling.
Will he call ? will he not.. bla bla. You say to yourself.. it s not like a care.. but it doesn't always turn out that way. The brave front, whatever attitude can come down.

Ok back to me then... So Mr. X did SMS post date. Mr. X did indicate a possibility of a second meet up. The term chosen "MEET UP" not date.

I guess it's just to hard to even guess what's going on in a man's head post date. Just gotta hope for the best.. and what i learnt is.. you only feel bit queasy for the first 24 hours. After that, its be like.. Mr. WhO ??

Well Im gonna be lazing on Katta beach in Phuket for the next one week. I'm sure by the time i get home it definetely be Mr. Who ?? Rumour has it, Phuket has a lot of hot gorgeous European men... Im definetely gonna get me some eye candy.. heheh

Till next week..

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