Monday 24 March 2008

22 !

It's the time of the year again !!

Another momentous year in my life book has gone by. I am delighted to welcome the 22nd year here on earth with a great BANG !!

I had adrenaline running through my veins today as I celebrated the day. Embarked on my first and super fiercesome rollercoaster ride in Gold Coast (SUPERMAN RIDE)... nothing could beat the 4.2 postive G -forces and a negative one that i experienced today.

All in all... good kick start to my 22nd.. can't wait to see what this year has install for me..may just be a roller coaster ride itself :P

wohoo!!!! AHHHhhhhhhhh!!!

Monday 17 March 2008

Comedy Court - Two Indians on the Mountain

Goodbye Sam

Excellent one ! Samy.... should watch you tube man.

ELECTIONS Blah blah blah


Im virtually at boiling point.

Winter hurry up already .... wht's taking you so long?

Saturday 15 March 2008


yes .. yes.. it s the time of the year for me to be all vain and demanding once again. Afterall , it s the day i was BORN and you guys were blessed with such a amazing daughter, sister, cousin, friend.. (i know u are going.. "ish perasaan betul" )

My perception on a birthday is that one should celebrate and dwell in it.. feel so super special on that day .. because birth is a miraculous event and you OUGHT to celebrate this creation of God with all your accomplishments of course.

Every year on my birthday is like new year for me.. this is when my resolutions take effect and I set goals for myself. I use my birthday to celebrate the success, joys and happiness that i achieved the previous year and thank God The Almighty for all the blessings..

and of course in order to celebrate this joy of life.. presents and goodies are a crucial part.. hence i produce my yearly wish list ( to be completed and obrained
by March 09) :

2.Sony T70
3. Tommy Hilfinger apparels
4. Laptop
5. Wallet
6. Roxy's I LOVE MELB tee
7. Sport's girl tote
8. holiday to any where with a good beach
9. CK jeans..
10. clinque skin care range
11. Pilgrim white hot dress.. it s seriously hot :)
12. A birthday celebration with my family...

tht's about it... now i shall retire to bed in a delighted mood :)

Friday 14 March 2008


hehe.. i know this sounds so weird,but yeah.. pick up's ..was wondering what people think of it and how often do guys actually walk up to a random girl and go .. wanna catch a coffee??

I'm confident in saying that not many asian guys practice this but dont get me wrong.. i did encounter a few ppl from a "certain asian nation" who does do this.. but obviously they need to be taught the right way to go about it.. so that they wouldn't look so creepy and practically beg you to give your no.

I do like the professional way that some guys bring to it.. it leaves the woman feeling special, exhilirated ( obviously if you get picked up often then no la.). But for all those who are just venturing out into the mind field after years of being stuck in a monogamous rship, this can be your answer to regaining self s awesome ! you don't have to say yes to every pick up.. even rejecting them is such a great feeling coz you get the sense of power to say NO.. and remember my fellow women.. it s OK to say NO.. not every guy who picks you up is Mr. Right.. well just enjoy it and embrace it :)

The Revolution.. the pick up.. the birthday wish list

Oh wow.. March indeed has proven to be an exciting month.. haven't found time to blog in a while and in this short span of time so many interesting events has spurred up..

First.. my views on The Malaysian Revoloution 2008..
I think it s A.W.E.S.O.M.E.. coming from a family who is into politics, I have began to see the implications of peoples power and why is it important to vote and know about your country's politics. Finally Malaysians began to see beyond race and religion and was able to elect leaders with racial equity at heart to rule. To me , this is what being a MALAYSIAN is all about. There should be no distinction between our race or religion or skin colour..we are just plain old pure Malaysians !
Being away from Malaysia for sometime now does make me realise how much of deficiencies we have in our current system.. be it from education, judiciary and politics. Our policies are all so lop sided to a particular race and the wealth of the nation is not being distributed equally. So is the same with employment and business. This deeply saddens me as so many bright, young Malaysians who are overseas do not want to come back to Malaysia for this very reason.. and who gains ?? All the other nations like Spore, Australia and UK.. the brain drain is happening. If nothing is done, Malaysia will become a land of mediocore average people.. sorry to say this , but its true
Im quite excited to see how my state Selangor is gonna spur in the coming years... I have high expectations for the opposition and of course they should remember that they were put there by the people, hence serve people well. Im sure there will be tons of teething issues but it will be resolved and we can all rejoice in a transparent, fair and just government.. STEPH HAILS THE REVOLUTION.. MALAYSIANS BOLEH !!