Friday 14 March 2008


hehe.. i know this sounds so weird,but yeah.. pick up's ..was wondering what people think of it and how often do guys actually walk up to a random girl and go .. wanna catch a coffee??

I'm confident in saying that not many asian guys practice this but dont get me wrong.. i did encounter a few ppl from a "certain asian nation" who does do this.. but obviously they need to be taught the right way to go about it.. so that they wouldn't look so creepy and practically beg you to give your no.

I do like the professional way that some guys bring to it.. it leaves the woman feeling special, exhilirated ( obviously if you get picked up often then no la.). But for all those who are just venturing out into the mind field after years of being stuck in a monogamous rship, this can be your answer to regaining self s awesome ! you don't have to say yes to every pick up.. even rejecting them is such a great feeling coz you get the sense of power to say NO.. and remember my fellow women.. it s OK to say NO.. not every guy who picks you up is Mr. Right.. well just enjoy it and embrace it :)


WL said...

How interesting life can be with pick ups, huh? ;) All the goss and scandals. Hahahahah... it really makes uni a lot more interesting now. :P

-sT3pH- said...

Tell me about it... i think my life is taking a massive turn :) and the best part rejecting is saying NO to these dudes. And faking my no.. wohoo! Syok betul