Friday, 18 April 2008

and Karma kicks us right back in the ass..

OH MY GOD !! ..and i mean tht literally..

Jesse Spencer and he's bloody hot shot real life dr brother just walked through the doors of my office.

I can't believe... im shocked.. beyond words.. HE IS SO BLOODY CUTE & SAID HI.. .. TO ME !

I just stood there in awe staring at his defined muscular body, baby cute face, blue eyes while listening to his brother ramble on about not having an appropriate prescriber no. How nice.. a family that has a real life doctor.. oh wait.. 3 real live docs and a fake one :)..

Well there you go.. i said bye to one yday.. and guess who says Hi to me today ?? Is it karma or what...

Well whtever it is ..Im winning the breakup.. didn't I tell you to hold on 12 hours ago ! I don't backdown easily...
Wohoo !! steph's on fire, baby :)

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