Wednesday, 18 March 2009

The 2009 Essential List

I have been asked if I would come up with a list again this year.At first I thought, ahhh can't be bothered. But then again, I need an aim, I need a focus to work hard and to reward myself.
Hence, this year, it s not about merely buying stuff. I am actually testing out Frued theory on Self -Rewarding

Last year, my list was predominantly filled with worldly possessions. That has since gone pass me. Though I managed to obtain them, I still did not feel great satisfaction. Hence, this year, I believe I have grown. The things I wish to obtain by 24th March 2010 are things that have a strong emotional connection to me (even the material stuff). They are not merely things to prop my life up superficially, but have a much deeper meaning.

Hence I am changing the name from The Wish list to The Essential List..

So for the 2009 Essential List:

1. A wondeful family reunion with lots of food, drinks, music and love

2. Vacation to a country in Asia ( Msia/Spore not included )

3. Sucessful completion of my intern year

4. A job with a pharmaceutical firm or a decent non-chaotic hospital

5. A wonderful guy, who is down to earth , humble, simple and hilarious

6. An amazing group of friends, who I can always turn too and know that they will be around to support me in rough times

7. The red dress

8. Ralph Lauren's big pony polo i love this one :)

9. French Lessons

10. Tickets to a super cun concert

.. ooo I forgot one more.. Board games !! Well this is really because it s a fun activitiy which I can play with my amazing group of friends :)

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